who is the best choice for a first pick ?

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Rookie Star

Hey Followers,

Well I was searching youtube bored out of my face, I came across this video that sorta stunned me but also made me realize how comfortable Mr. John Wall is to his team also the NBA.

John Wall doing the dance called the "dougie". very well known to the teenagers and also around the world. Its been said that John Wall is flowing well with the Washington Wizards and could be a new  leader for his team but will there be  compitation between  John Wall  and Gilbert Arenas    i beleave  so  they both wanna be the team leaders and work  hard to keep that name and  if they learn to play together  that will be even  better for both teams because there both amazing  players and i dont know  who  would end up  taking the prize  but  all i can say is  who ever decides  to  lead the washington wizards will probably help em make it to the play offs and maybe one day  even  win a championchip  but  for a rookie to be compitation for a player thats ben playing in the nba is pretty amazing as you can see in the picture  john wall is getting along great in the National  Basketball Assosiaction  so its gonna be intresting to see what he commes up with  leave a comment  about your thoughts

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff!

    You posted a picture instead of a video. You can find the easy way to post videos by following the instructions on my blog : ejlblogtest.blogspot.com .
